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Step-by-Step Guide to K-12 School Grants

Evolv Technology is here to help your school district create a safer learning environment. Securing a School Violence Prevention Grant from the COPS Office can provide valuable resources for your efforts. Below is a simplified guide to navigate the application process.

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Important Notes

  • Review deadlines carefully and allow ample time for each step.
  • SAM and registrations can take time, so start early.
  • Double-check for errors before submitting applications.
  • The COPS Office only accepts electronic submissions.


Preparation (Allow Plenty of Time):

  1. System for Award Management (SAM): Register your school district with SAM. This may take up to 10 business days (or longer without an Employer Identification Number).
  2. Registration: Acquire a username and password, and designate an Authorized Organization Representative (AOR). You'll need your SAM registration complete for this step.


  1. Search: Locate the School Violence Prevention Grant using the provided title and funding opportunity number.
  2. Application Access: Download the application package through
  3. SF-424 & SF-LLL Submission: Electronically submit the standard application forms (SF-424 and SF-LLL) through well before the deadline (DoJ recommends at least 72 hours).

JustGrants Registration

  1. Entity Administrator & Application Submitter: Register these roles (likely the same person) in the Department of Justice's JustGrants system after receiving a notification email.
  2. Authorized Representatives: Identify and assign two authorized representatives in JustGrants: A Programmatic Official (e.g., Superintendent), and a Financial Official (e.g., CFO).

Completing Your Application

  1. JustGrants Application: The Application Submitter will complete the online forms, upload attachments, and certify the application in JustGrants.
  2. Authorized Representative Confirmation: Ensure both designated representatives are confirmed within the application.
  3. Submission and Confirmation: Electronically submit the complete application through JustGrants. You'll receive confirmation emails upon successful submission.

For further details and updates, refer to the official COPS Office Solicitation.

Evolv Technology stands with you in creating a safer learning environment for your students and staff. Please let us know if you have any questions about security solutions for your school district.